Esterigon - Perfection

Yesterday I received a package from Imeo and Vassilis containing the brand new Golden Greek, Esterigon. I have seen pictures and videos of Esterigon, so I wasn't expecting the construction to be anything too different from what I'm used to with the JustGG, Ithaka, etc. However I am totally blown away at how well put together Esterigon is. The design from top to bottom is clean and tidy. Nothing is added that shouldn't be there, Esterigon has been designed and machined to perfection.

The first thing that strikes you is the size. Compare it to the JustGG below. I am very used to handling my JustGG and GGTS's so the size of a GG isn't really an issue I'd thought about. But Esterigon really feels perfect in your hand. Small but still with a nice weight and feeling of real quality, comfortable too. You immediately realise why Imeo has chosen to design a smaller unit. It makes sense to go smaller, especially when he can do it with no drop in quality or performance.

From top to bottom Esterigon is a truly beautiful mod. The size will appeal to anyone who wants a less conspicuous mod and still have something more substantial than regular e-cigarettes/mods. At the moment Esterigon is slightly top heavy with anything Ody/Ithaka sized but is perfect with any version of Penelope or similar sized tank.

The new small button is very easy to push with any finger and it's position is easily reachable, whatever way you hold Esterigon. The locking mechanism is flawless, easy to operate and a welcome feature for 'pocket vapers' like me! I especially like the air control ring that works without adding any length to Esterigon.

The only thing I would change on Esterigon would be to have a small wings logo on the opposite side to the button instead of just the 'GG' on the side. This is a minor quibble though and not something that makes any real difference, the quality of every part far outweighs any cosmetic complaints.

Esterigon is a positive step forward for Golden Greek, a perfect bridge between JustGG and the upcoming Proteus. Imeo did say this would be the last mechanical mod he makes and if that's true, Esterigon is the perfect mod to end that chapter of GG history.

I love everything Imeo makes and make no secret of that fact. But with my hand on my heart I swear this is the most refined, beautiful and exciting GG I have seen from Imeo so far. Not bad for something that started as a side project during development of Proteus. 

Esterigon goes on sale tomorrow, the sellers links are below. Buy one! You won't regret it.




 A huge, huge thank you to Imeo and Vassilis without whom I could not have brought you this review.


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