GG Design - A brief visual history

Long before I ever got interested vaping Imeo was already creating Golden Greek mods. In the beginning the GG was a very crude affair as you would expect but still very different from what was commercially available. I think I'm right in saying that the Screwdriver by Trog, built from a torch casing and released around 2008, was one of the only other mods you could buy at the time. Imeo himself often acknowledges Trogs contribution to modding.

Imeo spent a lot of time developing, refining and testing the early GG's as you can see in the pictures above. The tube shaped design is familiar but very industrial looking. These early GG's are a long way from the likes of the finely tuned JustGG and Esterigon we have available today.

From the beginning Imeo was concerned with durability in the GG. The construction had to be able to withstand heavy use, Imeo did not want to release a product that would fall to bits easily. In the video below you can see Imeo drop testing a GG. This video is from 2009, there are lots of mods around now that couldn't take this punishment. WARNING! The video contains images of a GG being mistreated!

Over time the design of Golden Greek mods started to acquire a more stylish look so that the GG was as good looking as it was functional. The next set of pictures show some early GG's that have started to look very much like what we now know as a GG. The wings and monogram defining a look that has become synonymous with GG's.

Finally this last set of pictures show some of the earlier GG's that look even more like the GGTS's, Ithaka's, etc,  we have now. I believe some of these GG's were owned by Uktarget. When I first found out about Golden Greeks, Uktarget had one of the best collections around. Unfortunately due to personal reasons he had to break up his collection, which was one of the finest in the world at that time. You can see why in the last image.

Bear in mind these pictures cover just the first couple of years of Golden Greek mods. The progression over even that small amount of time is testament to Imeo's drive to constantly improve and refine his products. The sheer number of products and innovations made since Imeo started his business is amazing. 


So, as can be easily seen in mods like Esterigon and the upcoming Proteus, the Golden Greek has come a long way from a humble beginning. Early mods like the Grant, Nano and Slim are as popular now as the year they were released. The newer range of GG's coming out now are equally as popular with no sign of demand slowing down. 

If you have a GG, keep a tight hold of it, it's a beautiful part of vaping history.


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