Rebuilding the Springomizer

The Springomizer makes rebuilding a coil a job you can do in an instant. All you need do is push the spring/coil in, rewick and you're done. The coils themselves can be bought from the GG resellers for a very cheap price but what if you want to make your own? Being the inquisitive type I pulled my coil out and stretched it on the first day. In case I needed a spare I decided to go about making my own.

Home made (top) and original coil 

In the picture above you can see the coil I made on top with the real thing at the bottom. I used the 2.5mm coiling tool you can see below to wrap a tight coil. Then, leaving the coil on the tool, I stretched the coil out so it looked more like the original.

2.5mm Coiling Tool

With a bit of tweaking I came up with what you see in the last picture. I used 0.45mm 317L SS wire to wrap the coil and I think I did about 14 turns. I'm not sure what the ohms are as I forgot to check. In the picture you can see I could have used less turns so around 12 turns would probably have been better.

Blurry final result
I'm happy with the final result although I could probably improve upon it. It was really just a test to see if I could make my own spares as I have plenty of wire to mess around with. I just thought I would share this in case anyone ran out of coils or was interested in making their own. 


Can these coils be made of all wires available to vaping? I have to get this set-up.

Can these coils be made of all wires available to vaping? I have to get this set-up.

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