Sign This Petition!

Currently there is a big push to get vapers everywhere to sign a petition against the FDA's Tobacco Deeming Regulations. 100,000 signatures are needed by the 26th of November and the current total is nearly at 53,000. So it's just over half way there. Please take a minute out of your day to go and sign the petition, it's very easy. Share this if you can and let everyone know that more signatures are needed.

There are millions of vapers so getting 100,000 people to sign should be easy, however it seems to be quite hard getting people on board. If you love vaping and want to help protect it for the future please, please, sign the petition. If the FDA gets their way it could start the ball rolling for negative changes to vaping everywhere. Don't let them win!

Click the link below to visit the site and sign.


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