Facebook Page - another way to keep updated

After all the tweaking I have done to this site I finally got round to creating a Facebook page for GG160. I know a lot of people don't use Google Plus so I figured it would be another option for people to stay updated. I plan on posting any new posts on Facebook as well as G+, they will be the same so you should only need to follow one.

I hope to get a few likes and some more interaction with people so don't be afraid to post. I'm also open to suggestions and requests for anything GG related, just get in touch any way you prefer. Remember I have G+, Twitter, Facebook and e-mail as contact options and I always like receiving your messages.

While I'm here I'll just remind you that Tilemahos should be available to buy this coming Monday -18th August at 18:00 Greek time. It should be available from all three sellers although I'm still not sure what base options will be for sale on the day. So have a good weekend but remember to keep a few pennies aside for Monday!


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