Modding the GG - Some great examples

When I first started using GG's I remember falling in love with all the pictures I found of them. Some of the best photographed examples were from dspin and CaptSteve among others. They made the GG look awesome, like looking at a photo of a rare Ferrari. Polished up and pristine, I always enjoyed seeing what people did to look after their collections.

As well as the shiny examples I soon found other not so shiny pictures. Some of these first customisations were a result of the reaction of early GG's to the natural chemicals in a users hands. This would result in a blackening of the finish. To combat this some users took to using tape on their GG's. Despite the low-tech approach some of these taped up GG's actually looked ok.

Perhaps it was the need of users to use tape that persuaded Imeo to switch to stainless steel in the construction of the GG.

With the introduction of stainless steel, new methods of customisation began to show up. People were getting them custom plated resulting in some of the nicest looking mods you will ever see. One of the best custom jobs was this GG and UFS from Vaypor_Phi. It is a fully gold plated SSGGTS + UFS in both 24K and Pure White gold. Everything is gold including the internal springs.

Engraving and media blasting were also popular methods of altering the look of a GG. In the following pictures you can see examples of this. The second picture features a finish by Justin at Vape'n'Shine. The last is a custom job by the super talented Otto Carter.

The finish above was done by mother nature. Read more HERE.

Wood was also used to enhance the GG's character, as can be seen in the following picture. These fantastic GGTB's were made by Torqueguy from ecf. I'm not sure what the status on production is but you can find more info HERE.

Today the most commonly used method of customising the GG takes no effort at all. Imeo supplies most parts in both brass and stainless steel with a few different finishes.This makes it easy to mix and match the metals. It's a look that works very well.

With this new mixed looked we have come full circle, the highly polished look once again being the top dog. Straight out of the box it is now very easy to own a mod that looks just as good as any picture you might find. The only difficulty is keeping it in that condition, especially if like me, your GG is never out of your hand. The following two pictures are by the two GG users I mentioned at the start of this article, CaptSteve and dspin. They are among my most favourite ever pictures of Golden Greeks. I think they show the GG in their ultimate form, highly polished works of art.

Even with the many different ways of blinging up your GG I am still surprised at what people come up with. There are a ton of other pictures I could have posted here but it would mean this post would end up longer than it already is. If you want to see more pictures check out the GG picture site My Golden Greek where I have all of these images and many more.


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